Privacy & Cookie Policy

At CLIMA CONSTRUCT we consider data protection important. In this privacy policy you will find all the information around how we safeguard the privacy of our customers and users of our website. If after reading this agreement you still have questions or you have encountered problems with our services or website please contact us at any time.

This policy is also fully compliant with the Global Data Protection Regulation (hereafter GDPR) of May 2018.

Privacy and GDPR

1. Who is protected by this privacy policy?

Any natural person who leaves personal data with us. Company data is not covered by the GDPR.

2. What does "processing of data" mean and who is responsible for it?

Data processing refers to any action performed on and with data. This includes storing, collecting, editing, copying, transmitting and deleting data.

The data controller is CLIMA CONSTRUCT. For specific questions regarding the data and its processing, please contact us via the contact form.

3. What data do we process?

Data that visitors leave on our website (name, email, phone). Analytical data we obtain through cookies.

4. What do we use this data for?

CLIMA CONSTRUCT collects personal information necessary to ensure the optimal operation of the site. This information may be used by CLIMA CONSTRUCT for actions or messages of a commercial nature. Analytical data obtained on the website is automatically anonymized and CLIMA CONSTRUCT cannot use to personally identify or contact you. We use this data to optimize our website if necessary.

CLIMA CONSTRUCT also collects information in log files. This information is used for internal purposes, such as traffic and profile analysis in order to further fine-tune the services offered by the site..

5. How do we secure your data?

At CLIMA CONSTRUCT, all data are on the servers of Encima S.A.. These are not accessible from the outside and are protected by a firewall. We also make a triple backup of this data. These 3 backups are not connected to each other and 2 of them are also not kept at Encima itself. That way, our data is always accessible to us, yet protected.

6. What if things do go wrong with the security of your data?

Under the GDPR, CLIMA CONSTRUCT must report any issue that arises with the security of data of natural persons to all data subjects within 72 hours. Consequently, we then make every effort to resolve these issues as quickly as possible and update our security policies to avoid similar problems in the future.

Company data is not covered by the GDPR. Because loss, damage, or theft of this data may harm the operation of CLIMA CONSTRUCT, we will also communicate this to our customers as relevant.

7. Do we sell or transfer your data to third parties?

CLIMA CONSTRUCT undertakes never to release your data to third parties without the express consent of the party concerned.

8. As a customer, how do you determine what personal data we can use and how?

Customers of CLIMA CONSTRUCT in the capacity of their company basically have no say in what we do with their company data. Commercial emails do always include the option to unsubscribe. For questions contact us.

9. What are your rights and how can you exercise them?

If you are a natural person you have the right at any time to request, access, modify, transfer or delete your personal data. Please contact us for this.

10. How long do we keep your personal data?

Personal data of natural persons will be kept for up to 5 years. Customer data we may continue to keep, as it is not covered by the GDPR. Data in legal and historical documents we may continue to maintain as long as CLIMA CONSTRUCT exists.

11. What about our websites and cookies?

CLIMA CONSTRUCT uses so-called "cookies" (small pieces of information written to the user's hard disk) to facilitate the use of the website.

On our websites, we ask you for information in certain cases (for example, in the contact form).

Cookies and what they do for you

Cookies are often treated rather shabbily. In most cases, they serve a distinct function. They are small pieces of invisible and hidden text placed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone) that have a particular purpose. On our website, they serve only to provide you with a better browsing experience.

With our cookies:

  • our website works as it should
  • the speed and security of our website is optimal
  • Increases the usability of our website
  • we can use our marketing more efficiently to your advantage

What our cookies do NOT do:

  • Collect personal or sensitive information without your consent. The information contained in cookies is automatically anonymized and thus cannot be used to identify or contact you.
  • transfer your data to third parties
  • pay sales commissions

Our cookies thus serve the functionality of our website and collect analytical data on how visitors behave on our website.

How do I get rid of them? Or allow it anyway?

You cannot choose not to allow them unless you leave our website.

However, you can disable cookies in your browser settings. However, many websites use cookies that, for example, make online payments more secure, track your login information, or ensure that a YouTube video can be played.

Your consent

The information we collect with cookies is automatically anonymized. That is, we cannot use that information to identify or contact you. Therefore, the law states that we do not need permission to use these cookies for this purpose.